Friday, September 16, 2011

Incomplete Song

"Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet."

When I record somebody else's song, I have to make it my own or it doesn't feel right. I'll say to myself, I wrote this and he doesn't know it! It's by Johnny Cash. That's why I very often listen to a song. right now, I'm interested in Japan song currently. do you know vocaloid?

Second Go

How many times will the clock go around
How many times can my hands hit the ground
How many coffins before theres a crown
How far will I fall til the alarm sounds

How come you love me when I am ugly
Guess I can only hope

Give me a second go,
Dont let me go alone
You saw me at the worst,
You caught me falling first
All I wanted to know,
Give me a second go

No matter the weather theres never a break
Conquer a ladder then slip on a snake
Cried til my river turned into a lake
And Im wondering now before its too late

How come you save me when I am angry
Reasons Ill never know


One to five Im half alive, six to nine Im out of line
Ten to twelve Im not myself, by the millionth time
I cry.

by Lights