Monday, May 23, 2011


"All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity is easy. Stay away from easy."
-Scott Alexander-

Today, I'm quite upset with some of my friends. Well, may be it's heard like nonsense and everyone almost does it. but still.... what I want to discuss today is about CHEATING.
Sometimes I think my efforts are useless. Why do I think so? Well, I always study hard until I think my brain will go berserk because of it and do you know what my friends do? Without any good enough efforts, they just cheated and one of them got perfect score because of that. It's not fair!
Where cheating is, there’s mischief there. Honesty is the best policy. So my mom told me that although the teachers don't know a single thing about it. God knows! You know too, right? So how come God doesn't know? just believe in God and pray .... It's about time they will suffer because of their own behaviors.

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