Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Finishing

"Finish what you start,"
-Cinnamon Gyp-

Yes... Today's quote is from me, so may be it's too confusing? well, what I wanna say is, everyone can always begin to do something. Beginning something is easy. but how about ending it? not many people realize this problem. for example, in this life, we are like taking a part in a marathon race. may be we can start it well or worst. maybe in the middle we can fall down or stuck in the place, but really... it doesn't matter. What the most important one is, HOW TO FINISH IT WELL!
Because everyone just can start... but there is only a few people who can end it well. don't think that suicide can make your life ending well. it means you run away...  I must admit that it's not an easy way. Too many things to be counted if we want to mention the things that trouble us. There isn't any single perfect human in this world. everyone got their problem. but where there is problem, it will make us stronger and stronger. trust me :)

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